Mathematics Statistics & Computer Science

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About Department

Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science was established in 1963. The ever fist computer laboratory of the university was also setup in this Department in 1986. With the advent of computer technology, computer science as a compulsory subject was introduced, in the curricula of agriculture, at graduate level in 1987. Presently, this multi-disciplined Department disseminates knowledge in these three important science subjects at graduate and postgraduate level under the revised scheme of studies of the Higher Education Commission (HEC). It is a fact that agricultural development is not possible without intensive research and Computational sciences play a vital role in this connection. Specifically, Statistics is the major subject taught to enable the students in planning and designing of their experiments in the field, laboratories, green-houses or screen-houses etc. There are two computer laboratories and one Statistics laboratory in the department. Both the computer laboratories are connected through Network and having the Internet facility through the main server of the university. Various Statistical packages like MSTATC, SPSS, Statistix, SHAZAM, R and Mathematica have been installed in these laboratories to cater to the needs of the students as well as faculty members from various disciples of agricultural sciences. It is pertinent to mention that the department has started degree program in M.Sc statistics since 2011 under the self supporting education program (SSEP). The department has also initiated M.Phil program in statistics and will subsequently start PhD program shortly. Moreover, under the future vision of the department, the department may start B.S. (4 Years) programs in Statistics and Mathematics, M.Sc (2 years) in Mathematics, and M.Phil and PhD degree programs in Mathematics, shortly.


Department of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science.
Office Phone: +92 91 9221294 Ext: 3176
Fax: +92 91 9221262

Mailing Address: Department of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan,