Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

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About Institute

Origin and Growth:

The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) was formerly the Board of Economic Enquiry (BEE), which was established in 1953. The Board, financed by the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, was attached to the University of Peshawar for the express purpose of undertaking and promoting socio-economic investigations in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and adjoining tribal areas. It was established as a semi-autonomous organization managed by a governing body having the University of Peshawar Vice-Chancellor as ex-officio chairman, with one representative of each of the development departments of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as members, and the BEE Director as member/secretary. The BEE was initially established as a temporary project financed through a grant-in-aid on a year-to-year basis.

In 1977, when the staff base had been reasonably well developed, and research activity had become more diversified, BEE was re-designated as the Institute of Economic Studies (IES) without a change in its organizational set-up. By this time the grant-in-aid had reached Rs. 200,000. Four years later, in 1981, IES was upgraded to be the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and merged with the Agricultural University Peshawar. With this upgradation the Institute became an integral part of AUP, its funding base expanded, and its functions broadened. Currently, the Institute offers 6-degree programmes in two disciplines of Economics and Rural Development. These include B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc (Hons) and Ph.D in Rural Development as well as BS, M.Phil and Ph.D in Economics. The Institute has produced a large number of undergraduate and post-graduate students in Economics and Rural Development.


i) Teaching

The IDS is not only the oldest but also the best equipped and staffed institute in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and one of the top few in Pakistan in its area. The Institute has qualified staff of over 25 persons including 16 senior teachers/researchers mostly Ph.D from abroad, three of whom are women and expellant teaching and research experience to produce quality graduates. The students are frequently provided with field trips and emphasis is on primary derived information and practical work. The curriculum is revised from time to time in order to address the future challenges. The IDS offers degrees in two different disciplines including Rural Development and in Economics from B.Sc (Hons) to Ph.D level. In addition to these short term courses are offered to different public and private sectors organization. The IDS has professional links to leading institution at home and abroad.

ii) Research

IDS is a special research, training and advisory unit established to bring the expertise and facilities of the Agricultural University Peshawar. It has multi disciplinary team of researchers who analysis the data for sustainable improvement of food and agricultural systems, natural resources use and conservation, well-being of disadvantaged groups, and responsiveness to economic changes and opportunities. The major research areas of the Institute are: i. Rural Development, ii. Women in Development, iii. Economic Policy, iv. Tribal Area Development; and v. Pakistan's Neighboring Economies. While particularly concerned with agricultural and rural development at regional and local levels, the specialized skills available through IDS are being applied also to other sub-sectors, urbanizing areas, broader social concerns, and national programme and policy design. The Institute's mandate relates especially to Pakistan's North West Frontier Province, the Tribal Areas and linkages to neighboring economies but it is pleased to be of assistance to other locations if needs and opportunities arise.

Specific Roles of the Institute:

  1. To conduct studies of farmers, households, small businesses, communities and rural areas that will give decision-makers at province, national and international levels penetrating insights about local situations, potentials, and impediments to change.
  2. To assemble information and conduct analyses that will help local people, entrepreneurs and change-agents to have forward-looking perspective and to make better decisions about how to use resources at their disposal.
  3. To call attention to emerging problems in rural areas that may require social action (e.g., situations of women, child labourers and tenants; environmental deterioration; unfair business practices), and provide objective appraisal of action alternatives that can be considered and their likely outcomes.
  4. To provide diagnostic help in assembly of baseline information, conduct of field app


Institute of Development Studies
Phone Office: +92 91 9221269
Fax: +92 91 9221013 Ext: 3129
Mobile: +92 300 5956780

Mailing Address: Institute of Development Studies (IDS), The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.