Dr. Muhammad Ishaq

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Dr. Muhammad Ishaq

Assistant Professor (TTS)

  • +92 91 9221323
  • +92 332 9075981
  • +92 91 9221262
  • drmishaq@aup.edu.pk
  • www.aup.edu.pk
  • HEC Approved Supervisor


PhD Computer Science

Area of Specialization

Bioinformatics, Data Sciences, AI, Databases and Semantic Sciences

Professional Responsibilities

NCEAC Accreditation Focal Person, BS Bioinformatics
Teaching and Research, BS AI formal person.

Research Projects

  1. Titled :Framework for the Development and analysis of ontologies in local natural language for more improved relevant semantics
  2. Titled: Development of a Robust Framework for the Next Generation Computational Sequence Analysis and Alignment
  3. Titled: Comprehensive improvements in Agri-Informatics Semantics


  1. Full Ph.D. Scholarship: from HEC Pakistan and CSC China for the Session 2008-12.
  2. Post Doc full Scholarship invitations:
      a. From Assistant Professor Yeon Soo Lee, PhD, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medical Science, Catholic University of Daegu, REP. OF KOREA, 712-702. Area of proposed post doc Research: Anti-Malaria bioinformatics study that belongs to 8 UN millennium development goals (MDGs).
        b. TWAS-UPM Postdoctoral fellowship award from Prof.Dr. Lilly Suriani in the area of "Next Generation Sequence Alignment of enormous amount of biological sequencing data in Hadoop" University of Putra Malaysia.
  3. Plenary/Key Note Speeches:
        a. 2017EMN Meeting on Biomedical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
        b. IEEE ICCSNT international conference at Harbin Normal University from December24-26 2011. http://www.iccsnt.org/files/Plenaryspeeches.pdfz
  4. Chair international Conference sessions:
        a. IEEE ICCSIT 2011conference that was held in June 2011
        b. IEEE ICCSNT 2011 in December 2011.
  5. Reviewer: Oxford Journal of Bioinformatics, Elsevier Journal of Computational Biology and Chemistry Peer review committee of ASME ICCTD 2011(www.icctd.org).
    Springer Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. Journal of IEEE Access


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Mailing Address

Institute of Computer Science & Information Technology (ICS/IT), The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.